Reset after the holidays

Slowly ease back into a healthy routine

Are you ready to get back to work after the holidays?

We understand how difficult it can be to jump back into a healthy routine. After indulging in big meals, desserts and countless carbs, our bodies feel out of whack. Start out with a few of our tips and slowly ease back into your body’s natural rhythm. 

Reset with these Ierba tips: 

  1. Hydrate, hydrate & hydrate! Drink loads of water to help your body filter out the toxins. Add some lemon in the morning to aid digestion throughout the day.

  2. Move and stretch. Go outside for a walk or get any movement in your day. Stretch out your legs and you’ll feel more energized and stimulated after that walk. Start with small movements and build up every day. You’ll get back to your work-out routine in no time. 

  3. Focus on nourishing your body with veggies, fiber, protein and good fats. Our body needs a break from processed foods and sugar. I get it, I also get sugar cravings from time to time and when that happens try eating a date instead! It’ll help control your sweet tooth.

  4. Drink herbal teas. Fortunately, herbs can support us through this journey. At Ierba, we offer you a collection of teas made to support wellness everyday. Artemisia annua is helpful for those who want to cleanse their guts, this plant has anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic properties. Ideal to drink before a meal to help secrete bile and breakdown food. Digestivo is a great option for helping with bloating and any digestive discomfort. 

  5. Get some rest. The body craves those 7-8 hours of sleep to completely restore its energy and vitality. When waking up, go outside first thing in the morning to get sunlight in your eyes, this will help with your circadian rhythm and sleeping schedule. 

Remember to ease into the new year with good intentions and incorporating a few of these tips daily will help with your goals.

"Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect." — Alan Cohen


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